Although technically the various names could have slightly different meanings, this article uses the terms code page, character set, encoding, and charset interchangeably. 尽管在技术上,这些不同名称的意义存在细微的差别,但在本文中,术语代码页、字符集、编码方式和字集可以互换。
A code page has traditionally been known as codepage, encoding, charset, character set, and coded character set. 代码页以前也称为码页、编码、字集、字符集或经过编码的字符集。
First, it can encode a single byte character from any byte-oriented code set, and second, when used in an array, it can encode any multi-byte character from a multi-byte character set such as Unicode. 首先,它可以从面向字节的代码集编码单字节字符,其次,当在数组中使用时,它可以从多字节字符集(如Unicode),编码任何多字节字符。
To convert data by the use of a code or a coded character set in such a manner that reconversion to the original form is possible. 通过使用代码或编码字符集转换数据,并使其可以再转换为原始形式。
You can add following code as the first line of your ASP code in order to set character set in ASP script. 你可以加入以下程式码到你的ASP程式内来设定字符集。
Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string, in the character set used by your computer 返回字符串第一个字符在本机所用字符集中的数字代码
A code extension character, used to terminate a sequence that has been introduced by the shift-out character, that makes effective the graphic characters of the standard character set. 一种代码扩充字符,用于结束由移出字符引进的一串字符,从而使标准字符集的图形字符有效。
The article brings forward the method of resolving Chinese character code converting in JSP and Servlet, by introducing character set coding correlative theory and analyzing character coding format in differ processing phase. 本文通过介绍字符集编码相关理论,并分析JSP和Servlet运行各阶段字符的编码形式,提出解决中文字符编码转换问题的方法。